Uncatalog a Dataset
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#1: Uncatalog a Dataset Author: ramuduLocation: Hyderabad India PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:10 am
Hi All,

Please tell me How to Uncataloge the dataset or PDS?

#2:  Author: Nic CloustonLocation: At Home PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:00 am
Read the JCL manual - particularly the DISP keyword

#3:  Author: ramuduLocation: Hyderabad India PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 4:08 am
Hi Nic,

Thank you very much for the reply.

Actually my intension is like suppose if i had given some PDS name in =3.4 i should be able to see it where as some others give same PDS name they should get like 'No Dataset Names Found'.

#4:  Author: Nic CloustonLocation: At Home PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 4:24 am
Use option 3.2 to allocate/catalog/uncatalog etc. But you may not be able to uncatalog a dataset because it is a BAD THING and SMS may not allow it. If you can then remember it is not in the catalog so if you need to access it you will also have to provide the volser of the DASD volume it resides on. You cannot have it catalogued to yourself but no one else. If your only purpose is to stop other people accessing it then just change the RACF/ACF2 protection on it so that only you can read/write/update/delete it.

#5:  Author: ramuduLocation: Hyderabad India PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:15 am
Hi Nic,

I already tried tht option but it is not working Sad and by the way is there any option by which we can prevent other user viewing our jobs when they are excecuting in Spool.

#6:  Author: Nic CloustonLocation: At Home PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:17 am
another thing - if you didn't want it being done in batch (JCL) but in ISPF then you should have posted in the TSO/ISPF section and then I would not have pointed you to the JCL manual. But, that said, just because you may have allocated it in ISPF does not mean that its catalog status cannot be changed by a batch job, either by the JCL itself or by a program that the job executes e.g. IDCAMS, IEHPROGM.

#7:  Author: expatLocation: Welsh Wales PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:28 am
is there any option by which we can prevent other user viewing our jobs when they are excecuting in Spool.

Why, what are you doing that you do not want others to see ?

Uncatalog a dataset - why. This should only be used in the case where there is an error, in that the dataset does not reside on the volume it is catalogued to.

If you go around and uncatalogue datasets leaving them in situ on DASD you are not only asking for problems, you will be causing them.

Actually my intension is like suppose if i had given some PDS name in =3.4 i should be able to see it where as some others give same PDS name they should get like 'No Dataset Names Found'.

You can not do that, the dataset is either catalogued or not. Please do not use uncataloging datasets as a means of stopping others from viewing them. In the SMS environments that I set up, uncatalogued datasets are deleted WITHOUT BACKUP, maybe your environment os the same.

#8:  Author: ramuduLocation: Hyderabad India PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 6:10 am
Hi Expat,

Thank you very much for the reply.

Recently i came to know that we can the thing which you mentioned as quote and by giving DASD serial owner need to access the dataset.

So i need some clarification on this...

#9:  Author: Nic CloustonLocation: At Home PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 6:20 am
If your dataset is catalogued you only need to supply the DSN (and DISP if in batch).

If uncatalogued then you need to specify DSN and VOLSER in ISPF (and DISP and VOLSER and UNIT in batch).

BUT...you may not be allowed uncatalogued datasets - it is a hangover from the past and should be avoided. One day the operating system COULD make ALL uncatalogued datasets illegal and delete them as they occur.

#10:  Author: dbzTHEdinosauerLocation: germany PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 6:20 am
as everyone has attempted to explain to you: you should not try to enforce security thru
catlg/uncatlg means.

RACF (or whichever 3rd party solution you shop has) is sufficient.

as far as spool goes, that is a decision your managers have made.

Many have indicated that you motives may not justify you demands; it does not matter to me why you are trying to hide everything.

you can protect your datasets thru RACF.
your sdsf session is protected by RACF, and whether you have authority to modify
those settings is up to your security administrator. you need to talk to them.

#11:  Author: expatLocation: Welsh Wales PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 11:57 am
you can protect your datasets thru RACF.

Perfectly true. You can usually set up an individual profile for a single or multiple datasets to restrict any access to those that you choose to allow.

#12:  Author: ramuduLocation: Hyderabad India PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 11:56 pm
Thanks all

#13:  Author: taltymanLocation: Texas PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 4:43 pm
ramudu wrote:
Hi Nic,

Thank you very much for the reply.

Actually my intension is like suppose if i had given some PDS name in =3.4 i should be able to see it where as some others give same PDS name they should get like 'No Dataset Names Found'.

Make sure there is an "/" in the 3.4 panel for the option "Include Additional Qualifiers" if you are using a partial name.

#14:  Author: NicolasFLocation: Argentina PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 10:29 pm
You can also use IEFBR14 to uncatalog a dataset

#15:  Author: Nic CloustonLocation: At Home PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:42 am
Actually you can use ANY program as it is not the program that uncatalogs it but the OS using the parameters of DISP which I mentioned in my first reply. OK, SOME programs, eg IDCAMS, IEHPROGM, cand specifically uncatalog a dataset but then they do not need the dataset allocated via JCL.

#16:  Author: expatLocation: Welsh Wales PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 5:04 am
Adding to the above advice NOT to uncatalogue your dataset, don't forget that products like HSM will not back up your dataset, so you can spend weeks doing your updates, and have no backups.

So when you need a backup to recover to, you will not have one.

MVSFORUMS.com -> Job Control Language(JCL)

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