Peformance metrics and benchmarks
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#1: Peformance metrics and benchmarks Author: chuck PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:34 am
Wondering where to get started here...Have been coopted into a performance team. I need to come up with some metrics to quantify performance of both CICS and batch programs and then some benchmarks as to what is acceptable.

I have come up so far with response time as a metric for CICS and an acceptable benchmark of <0.5 seconds.

I searched around and came up with other metrics like getpages and cursor opens and so on.
But a) I don't know what these are just yet, am planning to find out
b) once I do find out, what are considered as industry standards?

Ours is primarily a CICS DB2 VSAM shop, no IMS, IDMS.

Thanks -> Problem Determination

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