What is INTRDR ? - Internal Reader
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#1: What is INTRDR ? - Internal Reader Author: PhantomLocation: The Blue Planet PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:15 pm
Internal Reader - INTRDR

INTRDR is an IBM-reserved name identifying the internal reader. The system places the output records for the internal reader into a buffer in your address space. When this buffer is full, JES places the contents on the spool; later, JES retrieves the new job from the spool.

Internal reader routines allow TSO jobs or application programs to submit job streams to JES3 using output data sets. When a job stream enters the system, data management assigns the data sets directly to an internal reader. If an internal reader is not available, the system dynamically creates one. When JES3 schedules the internal reader, input service can proceed to process the data set as an input stream.

As mentioned, an application program can create a job and pass it to the JES3 internal reader. To pass the job to the internal reader, the program must write the job to a data set for which SYSOUT=(class,INTRDR) has been specified. The internal reader reads the job, then gives it to JES3 where the job is processed like other reader-submitted jobs.

If the submitter of an internal reader job is either a TSO user or has an associated TSO userid, the TSO userid will be propagated to the submitted job.

To display a list of all the internal readers in the system at any one time, issue the *INQUIRY,A,D=INTRDR command. As the workload slows, input service will automatically terminate internal readers when they are no longer required. The operator can also stop the internal reader by issuing a *CANCEL,INTRDR or a *CANCEL,J=jobno command



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